Thursday, 19 July 2012

WCO antennas now offer RP-TNC and TNC-Male connectors

EAD - - now offers its WCO (waterproof compact omni) antennas for Pentaband Cellular/GSM/3G or 2.4 GHz frequency bands with RP-TNC or TNC-Male connectors.

RP-TNC is commonly used for WLAN/WiFi applications. TNC-Male is often used on cellular terminals and routers.

For more information, please contact EAD.

Statement on Authorisation regime for GNSS repeaters

In a statement published on this date Ofcom sets out its conclusions on the proposal to implement a light licence regime to authorise the use of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) repeaters in the UK.
As described in the earlier bulletin on 6 April 2012 (below) there is a need to keep track of the whereabouts of GPS repeater installations in case of any reported cases of wireless interference.
Initially it was thought that the license regime would be implemented in the September time-frame, but the latest estimate from Ofcom brings this forward to the end of July, once the relevant documentation is finalised and in place.
The official statement can be viewed here.
Our partner company Faltech offers a range of GNSS repeaters in the UK -